John Thomas



John Thomas, LPC

I am a licensed professional therapist, based in Falls Church, VA, and have been actively involved in the mental health field since 1993. In addition to my role as a therapist, I am also a Clinical Researcher and Community Collaborator for Children's National Hospital’s Gender and Autism Program in Washington DC.

Since 2014, I have redirected my professional focus towards areas such as gender incongruence, autism/neurodivergence, and differences in sexual development (intersex conditions).

Working with clients across the lifespan, I utilize a multidisciplinary approach, tailoring my guidance to each individual's unique needs. Part of my work involves assisting clients and their families to understand their personal goals and develop treatment plans accordingly. This process often involves providing mental health information, sharing evidence-based practices, and referring to the latest research findings in the field.

I am fortunate to collaborate with a variety of local and national providers who share a commitment to LGBTQIA+ care. These partnerships enhance the breadth of care available to my clients, spanning across diverse areas such as general medical care, endocrinology, psychiatry, neuropsychology, and legal services.

A component of my services includes conducting psychological evaluations and assessments for transgender clients, providing crucial support for those seeking gender-confirming hormone therapy and/or surgeries. In performing my duties, I follow the Standards of Care, Version 8, from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), focusing on principles of harm reduction and informed consent.

Lastly, by coordinating with a network of professionals and non-profits, I strive to connect clients with supplementary services like voice coaching/training, hair removal, binder exchange, and youth-based organizations. This collaborative approach allows for a comprehensive, holistic care plan tailored to each client's unique needs and journey.

  • Clinical Researcher and Community Collaborator at Children's National Hospital, Gender and Autism Program

    • Co-author of a peer-reviewed study on gender incongruence and co-occurring autism and neurodiversity for the Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology (2020).

    • Community Collaborator/Researcher: Peer-reviewed study for Autistic/Neuro Diverse-Gender Diverse (A/ND-GD) Adolescents. Children's National Hospital. Publication: Spring/Summer 2019.

    • Post-graduate training in the areas of gender, sexuality, and child psychology (ongoing).

    • Training Institute for Gender, Relationships, Identity, and Sexuality (TIGRIS) under Arlene Lev, LCSW-R, CASAC, Albany, NY, since 2015.

    • WPATH Global Education Initiative training (2020).

    • Crisis Counselor: The Trevor Project, from 2015-2016.

    • Provide support and meeting space to area LGBTQ youth and family organizations for meetings, workshops, presentations, and peer support.